

Homiletics ignites Passion for Preaching

May 02, 2015

Olivet Theological College & Seminary’s (OTCS) courses on Homiletics have pumped excitement back into preaching. Students eager to prepare for missions are seeking training especially in the preaching realm.

“The course triggered interest for preaching and brought some fairly good responses,” noted an OTCS professor. “It not only explained some basic steps in preparation, but a good sermon can integrate experiences in the mission fields fused with theological studies.”

Biblical preaching is a divinely ordained method of calling people to repentance and bringing them back closer to God. The course will last five weeks with intensive studies and practical preaching practices.

"I am really encouraged to deliver God's words and I am no longer afraid of preaching. I realized I am not merely an instrument, but a masterpiece in God's hands. God's Words inspired me first, then I am eager to do preaching," one student shared after class.

Olivet University has its mission to train ministry-bound men and women as biblical scholars and leaders, and to equip them with the practical skills to preach the Gospel effectively into and after the 'network generation'-thus priming them to revolutionize the world through Christian mission.

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