

Olivet University Partners with ABHE in Advancing Biblical Higher Education

February 16, 2017

Orlando, FL - Olivet University’s leadership is seeking to further the biblical higher education community in cooperation with the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), during the 2016-17 academic year.

Last September, University President Dr. Tracy Davis delivered keynote speech at “The Accreditation Journey,” a two-day professional conference. She also took part in the pre-conference president’s workshop at the 2017 ABHE Annual Meeting.

“I am grateful to God for graceful and productive fellowship in Christ Jesus between Olivet and ABHE, and this humbling opportunity to serve our partnership in Biblical education for mission,” Dr. Davis said.

In other developments, COO Dr. Walker Tzeng will serve for an additional term on the Board of ABHE, in a decision that was made at the 2017 Annual Meeting.

“It’s a blessing to continue serving an organization that strengthens and supports quality biblical higher education,” Dr. Tzeng said in appreciation.

Art will also be incorporated in Olivet University’s plans for the future. Zimou Tan, Associate Dean of the Olivet School of Art and Design, has been invited to be part of the 2018 Annual Meeting to enrich the event in the artistic capacity. There, he will offer valuable insight on the direction needed for Christian education in the arts.

Mr. Tan has taught at the Academy of Art College in San Francisco for 13 years. In that time, he has won multiple national and international awards. He is currently leading the Olivet School of Art and Design at the university’s main campus.

Olivet University is honored to be part of the biblical higher education community in North America and beyond. While pursuing its mission to equip biblical scholars and leaders to preach the Gospel effectively into and after the “network generation”, it hopes to bring new ideas continuously to the biblical higher education field with ABHE at the forefront.

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